Sunday, February 12, 2012

Brief overview

I can't believe my blog hasn't expired since the last time I posted.  God is amazing, you know?  He's been working in miraculous ways in my life.  You know, it would literally make me cry to know you were reading this and could not tell me for sure that you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  He has truly changed me so much that it saddens me to know that not every one experiences that.  Why don't you email, text, or call me if you don't know how to get this.  What do you have to lose?
  Last time I blogged, I shared that God had called me to be a doctor.  I've since finished a semester of my undergrad at Itawamba Community College.  I've decided to transfer to Ole Miss, next semester.  Everything was shaping up.  I was still making money, still had a social life, and was managing to keep A's in my classes.  I'll admit things were still easy...
   So God began to reveal more of this plan to me.  He told me over a course of a weekend at a College Student Conference in Jackson that he wanted me to be a summer missionary.  I've since interviewed and accepted a call to Ocean City, Maryland for June 6-August 11.  Also, he spoke to me one night at worship at the BSU that His will would involve me being a small group leader.  I really questioned God on this one, but we've had our first couple of weeks and He has blessed us with a group of 37 guys and girls.  He's showing me that if I will just trust Him in EVERYTHING, EVERY WAY, He'll show me even greater things.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Come on Fall

Man, what an amazing day it has been so far.  Incredible workout for Chest and Triceps at the gym.  Then I came home to have twice-as-incredible Scripture Workout with the Lord, Himself.  He has shown me some cool things through the book of Romans thus far.  Most of all, I've realized a greater amount of the need for Jesus than I ever have.  Paul says in Romans 4:14-15, that "For if those who are of the law are heirs, faith is made void and the promise made of no effect, because the law brings about wrath; For where there is no law, there is no transgression."

First of all I realize this is deep, but Jesus actually showed up and taught me some things.  I'm so glad God gave us the Old Testament to show us our need for Christ.  Without Him, I am really nothing.

Paul went on to talk about Abraham living out his faith by believing FULLY that God could do the impossible by letting Sarah have a child at their age.  God showed me through that, that even though I feel dumb when I think about all these tough classes I'm going to have to take to become a doctor, if I really believe that He is worthy to follow, He can make this all work out if it is according to His will (ignore the run-ons).

How awesome it is to have yet another reminder of His love and grace and mercy He is constantly filling me with!

--Praying for one of my best buddies, Shane Kelley, as he's toughing it out in Highway Patrol school.
--that God will soon show me if He wants me to pursue a relationship with this girl or not..
--Above all, though, that Jesus through the Holy Spirit, would lead someone to Him by using me today.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

News Flash

I know I have told several people in the past, but this is my I guess official announcement about my career future.  I'm going back to school this Fall with plans to become a doctor.  I'm a Biology major at ICC, with hopes to transfer to Mississippi College a year from now.  It has definitely been one of the biggest decisions I have had to make, and it has also shown me a lot about people.  Not everyone can be trusted.  Actually, only a very select few people can be trusted with your business.  So be careful who you tell what.

On a lighter note, the reason I am doing all of this career change is because about six months ago I felt God calling me to something more.  Through a series of really vague events, it became pretty evident that this was the direction the Holy Spirit was leading.  I really can't explain too much other than  I have never been more certain of anything in my life before this.  But I have got to stay in contact with Jesus if I want to continue to hear his voice.

I'm loving living the college life again already.  Being back at ICC, I have had the great opportunity to live with 3 guys in a house in Fulton.  We're having a blast so far and I've been able to somewhat get involved on campus again.  It's like coming home.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Until He returns!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A New Start

Here it is... My new blog.  I looked back at my old blog (which I can no longer log in to), and I see a ton of changes God has brought me through over the course of the last few years.  It is so awesome to see where He leads you when you were obedient.  Unfortunately, it has not always been that case.  I have had my ups and downs over the last 2 years, but Jesus is Alive! And He is continuously showing Himself to me on a daily basis.  I'm looking forward to sharing this journey again with everyone.  Let me know how I can "bear your burdens" as James said.  I want to pray for you.  Look for another post this week where I'll play catch-up.  Thanks for following !